if diz song was on when i was 11,
i wuld dedic8 it to my akak,
for she is my living hell thru out my pre-teen era - hehe
if diz song was on in 2009 - in d prep for my marriage,
i wuld dedic8 it to my kaklang,
for d stupid fight dat we had - and for how cruel she'd been to me (or so i thot) - hehe
but diz song was just on - & i have no 1 specific to dedic8 it to now,
becuz i'd turned on a new leaf - openly giv a damn care about wut evry1 think - or d opposite.
but i sure think dat if she knows, adik wuld dedic8 it to me,
for i am her living hell from then, till now, & forever (i much believe) - hehe
king - of - anything
keep drinking coffee stare me down across d table - while i look outside
so many things i'd say if only i were able
but i just keep quiet & count d cars dat passed by
u got opinions, man
we're all entitled to 'em - but i never asked
so let me thank u 4 ur time & try not to waste any more of mine
get out of here fast
i hate to break it to u babe - but i'm not drowning
ther's no 1 here to save
so who cares if u disagree?
you are not me
who made u king of anything?
so u dare tell me who to be
who'd die?
& made u king of anything
sara bareilles
looking back,
what i remember is,
when i ask akak "kenape kau sebok (hal aku)?"
she said "sbb aku akak kau"
& when i refuse to apologize for starting a fight with kaklang,
she pulled me towards her n said "kaklang syg kau"
& i beliv i gave d same reason to adik,
eventho she resent it, here's a message 4u adik:
u hardly can do anything about it,
sbb aku KAKAK kau.
& diz sisterhood - i pray hard dat ther wont be anything - or anyone - tearing it down
i love u guys - so so much
p/s: u r all invited to join d celebration of our annyversary nxt weeks - jgn assume ape2 yg hebat - aku nak belanje maqan2 aje :p
6 heartpourin' feedbaks:
nak maqan!!!!
perot boncit, tapi...
ada aku kesah ;)
dimanakah celebration itu?
p/s: i love u .
eh next week dh?
aku next 2wks :)
Kakak, first of all, thank you for keep me drowning in tears tonight. Terima kasih!~
There are zillions things that we've been thru together. Ya, sebab kau kakak aku yang belikan aku makanan waktu rehat EVERY SINGLE DAY until you graduated primary school even though kau suka buli aku bawak beg bekal yang chomel tu setiap hari ke sekolah agama.
Sebab kau kakak aku selalu percaya kat aku dan cerita rahsia kau walaupun ada rahsia kau yang aku bongkarkan pada mak sebab tengah bengang dengan kau.
Sebab kau kakak aku yang aku relakan jari kelingkingku digunakan untuk mengorek lubang hidungmu ketika aku mamai,
Sebab kau kakak aku yang paling romantik bagi aku surat yang berjaya menurunkan hujan lebat di muka chomelku,
Sebab kau kakak aku yang selalau heart to heart dengan aku,
Sebab kau kakak aku yang suka pelok aku time kita tidur walaupun pelukan kau dibalas dengan tendangan manja di muka,
Sebab kau kakak aku yang selalu cium aku sampai keluar bunyi "mput" kat pipi,
Sebab kau kakak aku yang aku pernah lempang dan dibalas dengan cekik kemudian diakhiri dengan pelukan yang penuh dengan kasih sayang,
Sebab kau kakak aku, terlalu banyak yang kau beri dan terlalu sikit aku membalasnya, TERIMA KASIH.
Aku, kau and kaklang ada zaman kita "REBEL" dan masing2 punya gaya rebel tersendiri. And i believe, akak sebenarnya nakal jugak, cuma kita ni adik dia, tak dpt menyaksikan zaman kenakalannya :p
Dan kerana saya bertuah punya Iman, Hikmah dan Ahza sebagai kakak saya dunia akhirat. Ucapan terima kasih tidak mampu membalas segala kebaikanmu, kasih sayangmu, marahmu, tengkingmu, dan cintamu pada aku, aku serahkan pada Dia untuk membalasnya.
Dear Allah the Most Merciful and the Most Forgiving,
I am thankful for all the things that have happened to me and that has been given to me so far. I embrace everything that has been granted to me by You and accept every choices that you bestow upon me.
I kneel before You tonight hoping that You would grant Your humble servant a few of her (that I believe badly need of) wishes.
Please let my beloved emak, Normah rest in peace and please give my ayah-Rusli, my abang-Esfani, my akak-Iman, my kaklang-Hikmah and my kakak-Ahza happiness in this world. I dearly hope all their arrangements went smoothly. Please give us a good communication as I got so much to tell them and anxiously curious to know all of their journey so far, please make it hast so that I won't forget later on.
They has been such altruistic person when I was in a pathetic manner. By the same token, they equitably helped me understand myself better. I recognize these are all from You and all that You have planned is for me to be awed of your many mysterious (and unconventional) ways, for that reason I am grateful to you for your coincidences.
Once again, this humble servant begs your forgiveness in her past, present and future mistakes and your strength to guide her in her entire being.
Please accept my humble request and I thank you for all your attention.
Nurul Zawani Rusli, Your full time servant~
for you are my person. my anyway friend.
kak lang & adik... and so are you
technically u r posting a POST instead of a COMMENT here. note d abv: Post a Comment, not Post a Post. haha!!~
ui, jgn delete pulak post kau kat ats tu :P
farah: weeks lagi - 26th. u'll complete d cycle first ;)
kakak2 ku: syg kamoo...
eh kakakku,kalau kau suruh makcik gayah komen, makcik temah komen dan makcik senah komen, lagi panjang komen mereka2 dari aku tau. bersyukur kau dapat adik kau yang kurang membebel ini :)
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