[3 dots in a row]

it's 1 pass 1 n my eyes are dem widely open. just at d moment wher i dont need them 2b.
d neighbor 4got 2 switch off his backlight. shines thru my room n really doesnt help diz eyes to stay close.

thinkin of actually throwin stones at the lamp. *gile psycho*



jan 19, 2006. 09:51

"Khamis hari yg baik menuntut segala hajat kpd Allah yg Esa. Banyakkan puji Allah"

one of mak's things. daily reminder on wut 2do today. 1st sms thru evry single day.

jan 24, 2006. 11:37

"Usaha dan bertawakkal itu kesukaan Allah, jgn putus asa, usaha dan terus berusaha, dan jalan terus ke depan. Insya Allah kamu pasti berjaya kerana Allah Maha Pemberi kpd semua hamba yg ikhlas dgn-Nya"

mak's respon on my msg telling her my 2nd sem result. mintak maaf dkt mak sbb i neaarly score 3.5.

jan 27, 2006. 12:25

"Betul ke ade org nak blk hari ni..?"

haha. 1 of my sisters (sape agk nye...?) bocorkan ke mak yg aku nk blk rumah. [standard mode of ahza: bukak sem, register, ambik timetable, ciao..] konon nk buat suprise tibe2 terpacul @ dpn pintu tp dah ade org bgtau mak aku nk blk n mak pon dgn sukehati nye meruinkan kesurprisan yg aku bakal buat. ceittt

march 2, 2006. 13:29

"Ye lah tu! "saya rindu awak" camno?

msg yg aku hntr kt mak is "ni hao ma". lps tu mak rply "dah bljr bhs jepon ke?" (mandarin lah mak!) then aku respon n in return get diz msg. heh

sem 3, ambik mandarin as humanities elective course. buat belagak kat mak boleh la, asyik2 dok ulang ni hao ma/wo ai ni/wo bu zhi tao ni shuo shen me (ayat favorit. credit to leong, he tot me diz. ayt cine plg pnjg aku boleh utter. *ghee*) seriosly fun dat time

march 25, 2006. 07:24

"Mak tak pernah lupa kat anak2. makanan beku pun tinggalkan"

--> x igt ape peristiwa nye. obviously tgh cerite psl mkn lah ni. bende pertame jejak kaki @ rumah after long weeks @ utp is bukak fridge/freezer check laok sdp ape yg mak froze kan utk anakanda2 die d perantauan. (ahza+hikmah @ sri iskandar, muhamad @ parit buntar) ;)

may 22, 2006. 23:13

"Alhamdulillah! anak mak dah pandai masak, nanti balik masakkan untuk mak pulak yo!"

--> another standard mode of ahza: bile buat bende best sikit dgn niat asal kalau mak tau sure kene puji tp mak jaoh dari dpn mate so marilah msg mak sure kene puji jgk ni ki3

may 24, 2006. 22:06

"Hai sayang mak. camno exam. tadi mak call tapi tak jawab pun"

--> apabila mendapat msg ini terus membukak fonbuk dan press 'M' (utk Mak) dan episod >>cotcetcotcet/ngadu/cotcetcotcet/gosip/cotcet/ngadulagi/cotcetcotcet/kenemarahpulak/cotcetcotcet<< pon bermula..

may 31, 2006. 15:24

"Shukran! ajak abang balik. mak rinduuu.... sangat dgn anak2 mak ni"

--> bgtau mak sem dah habis. nak balik rumah cuti pnjg lepakkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

july 30, 2006. 14:25

"ok mak tahu. kamu anak manja mak ayah"

--> haha. stori die buat adik aku skt hati (walaupon die xde d tmpt kejadian. jz plain sakit hati m'byg kan thp mengade aku dlm cerite ni). mak+ayah+akak trn sri iskandar, together with abg frm paritbuntar. lepak @ rumah sewa k'lg @ tmn maju, 2 days 1 night, housem8 die semua blk ke kmpg msg2, n kami insted of blk rmh, rmh yg dtg jengok kami ovr d wiken. seriosly fun! jz imagin kami ber-6 bersetinggan @ rumah bujang, mlm tu bersusun dr hujung dapo ke pintu msk.
cut stori short. mcm mane boleh dpt msg ats tu?
sbb merajuk mak tego my style of driving. akak+ k'lg penambah perase. make saye sulk *bigtime* of wic x lame lagi mak dah nak blk putrajaya dah tu...bile slm dgn mak mak tanye "marah mak ke?".....dan...anthr standard mode of ahza bile mak dah klua ayt mcm tu+bile nak pisah dgn mak blk utp: pelok mak kuat2 kat pinggang, rest my head on her chest n nangesssss. wajib. 2 minits top. sbb mak ckp "dah..dah..nnt tggl bas"

sept 15, 2006. 13:06

"Baik2 Ahza! mak tak nak kamu macam ni lagi. sakit jantong mak"

--> ghee...won't 4get diz moment. hari ahad, happen dat k'lg prolong cuti so have to go bak to sri iskandar alone. bas sri maju @ 1.45 pm, dari putrajaya mmg akn kelua rumah arnd 11.15, ambik erl pkl 11.30 ke bdr tasek selatan, then switch naik star smpi plaza rakyat. akn smpi pudu pkl 1.20~1.25 usually.

but dat day, lambat, 11.30 stil @ rmh lagi! n time tu akak xde @ rumah so good car xde, we left onli with d oldfren+bnyk berjase but not-so-good car yg a/c nye rosak + start jerking btwn gear shifts. mak racing dr prcnt 8 tu hntr aku ke erl. kerete berderum bunyik mcm motobot. and d day was hot! smpi2 erl org jeling je kat kitorang. haha. sian mak. nway. i did manage to catch 11.30 train...mungkin mak dah doa2 ni :)

nov 11, 2006. 14:03

"Mak ni ibu penyayang. mak sentiasa nak anak2nya sihat"

nov 13, 2006. 22:16

"Anak mak memang pandai dlm serba hal but sometimes u are lazy. tahniah tibalah masanya mak nak pencen masak."

--> ghee.. anthr moment of kalau mak tau sure kene puji tp mak jaoh dari dpn mate so marilah msg mak sure kene puji jgk ni :D

march 3, 2007. 12:03

"Dah tengahari. masak ape? mak dah makan sayor 4 mangkok, ratah ikan bawal bakar 3 suku ekor. Alhamdulillah! semenjak makan gamogen selera mak meningkat"

--> hari2 cek on mak makan ape. mak start losing appetite n start losing weight

march 6, 2007. 17:56

"Alhamdulillah! sehat orang sakit macam mak ni susah nak jangka. yang pasti mak dah nak makan. kamu balik tengok mak tembam. camne exam? mak harap kamu buat sunggoh2.."

june 5, 2007. 12:37

"Camne? mak sertakan nasi lauk sikit, nanti makan ye.. kalau rase banyak ajak lah kawan"

--> mixday. starts with heppiness, ends with us @ putrajaya hospital. rcv diz msg on my 2nd day praktikal @ p2. pagi2 dah siap packing trolley bag filled with baju+ n wutnot stuff 4 my stay in d hostel. 6 a.m, ayah hntr ke komuter serdang, i pushed off on d 1st komuter frm s'bn heading rawang. +- 1 hour travel. @ rwg, abg lil pik me up n sent me to p2. waktu lunch ayh dtg, meet ayh @ koporate building, ayah pass d trolley beg+lunch box dr mak. 2 laok; both chicken. 1 masak asam pedas, 1 lagi masak lemak. "collision of both worlds". sgt bnyk!~ mmg standard mkn 1 famili kami. so aku heret trolley msk gim, then lunch dgn kakak2 tea lady @ koporate.nice peeps :)

july 15, 2007. 19:29

"Cuba lagi untuk sem depan. syaratnya kamu mesti berusaha sunggoh dapatkan markah tertinggi dlm latehan kerja skrg. buat kerja sungguh krn Allah. Allah akan bantu kiranya kamu ikhlas dgn-Nya. mak kan tetap berdoa buatmu. itulah saja senjata yg mak ada untuk bantu kamu. "

--> lps ngadu @ mak on my 5th sem result. d beginning moment of my flunkiness. mak +ve je suruh usaha lebih lagi. did skor on d internship. boost CG a lot

july 23, 2007. 07:34

"Shukran. semoga Allah yang Maha Penyayang sayang denganmu juga. Insya Allah"

--> msg dr ahza: "mak. saye syg mak"

july 25, 2007. 12:47

"detik 9.35 mlm jumaat mak lahirkan kamu. satu anugerah Allah buat mak dan ayah 22 tahun yg lepas. mak harap di usia ini kamu dah buat persediaan jadi insan soleh untuk hidup mendatang dunia akhirat"

--> selalunye mak mmg x wish awl, sbb mak ckp "awak lahir mlm, mak wish mlm lah". but diz yr, her health starts breaking dwn, waktu siang mak ok sikit, start mgrb sakit akan attack dgn teruk. so i bliv dats d reason diz yr mak x wish mlm, sbb mak tau ade posibiliti mak lupe/too weak to type d msg 4 me.

diz is d last birthday wish frm her

july 30, 2007. 10:10

"Mak tunggu msg kamu"

--> promised mak i'll text her evry morning. i missed dat morning n i rcv diz

aug 1, 2007. 15:39

"training tu mengajar kamu. jgnlah bosan ye"

--> hah. ngadu bosan @ opis lah ni

aug 5, 2007. 20:28

"Mak tak pernah meyimpan kesilapan anak mak di hati, sebab tu sentiasa nasehat dan tegor"

--> yes mam, i bliv u, n dats exactly wut u did. kalau mak senyap sgt lah bahaye. bile mak dah xnk ckp itu crucial. meaning, mak mmg terase hati. n ther r plenty of moments i'm d cause of mak's silence. plenty.

3 am


feb 25, 2006. 07:06

"Dah solat? muharam dah hujung nak timbul safar. muhasabah diri. mak tak lama akan tinggalkan kamu semua, banyak dah pesanan mak, ambik lah ingatan. mak takde hartabenda pun. pada kamu semua mak nak tumpang hingga akhirat nanti"


to think i mite not see those eyes
it makes me so hard not to cry
and as we said our last goodbye
i nearly do....

beloved wife, mother, friend

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Jall likes to play ball in the hell...


Lastnite's tutorial, 2000 hr-2200 hr

Azlan was reading the story of "Jall the Tall Boy"

To familiarize the students to the pronunciation of the words ending with "all"

The way to pronounce "all" is quite the same with the malay pronunciation of "ol".
e.g. sekolah

(Voice over: Teacher Nurul)

--start of event--

page 1: Title - Jall, the Tall Boy [pronounciation check: Jall (/) tall (/).] - Good start

page 2: Jall is a tall boy [pronounciation check: Jall (/) tall (/)] - Orite. He gets the idea now.

page 3: He likes to play ball [pronounciation check: ball (/)] - Doesn't seem so hard, rite Azlan? ok continue...

page 4: Jall likes to shop in the mall too [pronounciation check: Jall (/) mall (/)] - Orite. go on..

page 5: Jall also likes to play ball in the hell


sub event:-

Teacher Nurul menundukkan kepale dan melepaskan gelak yg x tertahan. tindakan reflex, totally. dlm kepale mengimaginkan Jall playing ball in the hell ....

flaming ball picture: courtesy of wikipedia

suare dari blkg: teacher, kenape teacher gelak? (Nidal)

Teacher Nurul agkt muke n tgk Azlan terpisat-pisat kompiuss..

Teacher Nurul: Azlan, how to pronounce this? (pointed at the word mall)

Azlan: mall (as in mol)

Teacher Nurul: Orite good. if u pronounce this as mall, then how would u pronounce this? (pointed at the word hall)

Azlan: (pondering......) aaa... h a l l ? (as in hol)

Teacher Nurul: yess... hall. not hell orite.....?

Azlan: (nod+tersengeh sengeh)

--end of event--

thru out d next 45 minutes diz line keeps playin' in Teacher Nurul's head:

Jall likes to play ball in the hell ...

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