those were the times..

1993;SK Jln Bellamy, KL

kuetiao lagi..? nape die asyik belikan kuetiao aje..? die x tau ke aku x mqn bendalah ni..?

and instead of saying "no" to my k'lg i push myself to swallow those bendalah. dat time kuetiao semangkuk 40 sen aje. and dat is my lunch. every single school day. 5 days a week. k'lg was a prefect back then so she went out 4 recess 10 minutes early. she never asked me what i want to have for lunch. more or less she dictated my lunch for 3 whole str8 for 3 whole str8 years i was brought up with the food that i hate.the most.

who knows that 10 years after that the only order that i keep on ordering is "kuetiao kungfu satu boss!"

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3 heartpourin' feedbaks:

chentatiku said...

hehehe..kakakku..u do d same thing to me as k'lang did kan??
teringatnye waktu tu..daku mempergunakan kakakku seorang pengawas..

hikmah* said...

srkjb=kueteow goreng empat posen
smapk=kueteow dewan makan, x suka.
matrix=kueteow goreng pattaya kat U-Cafe (shakira is 1 of my buddy who sick of this "routine")
kpm=xde tmpt jual kueteow best. kdg2 tgh mlm lps penat buat assignment pegi kedai mamak, layan kuteow goreng yg diperah limau..sedap gak.
now=char kueteow, kueteow kungfu, kueteow ladna dan yg sewaktu dgnnya kecuali kueteow dimasak sendiri. reason=aku cuma reti makan kueteow bukan masak kueteow.

NR#4 said...

haa..rugi itu hari adeq mengdemonstrate kan skill die dlm pemasakan kuewtiau basah tahap jilat jari kelingking kaki sebelah kanan. s.e.d.a.p gile..

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